Hi everyone!!
I know, I know! It has been SO long since I've blogged! I know I'm terrible! But after I got so sick at the end of last year, I took a few weeks off because of how bad I felt. Well after I started to feel better, I just felt so overwhelmed whenever I stepped in my craft room! I just had no idea where to start and how to get started! Whenever I tried to create something, I ended up not being pleased with it. So I took a few months off. A couple weeks ago I went to a crop with some great friends, that I met through Scrapfest and we are now a group called Scrappy Girls! Well the Scrappy Girls crop really inspired me to jump right back into scrapping! So I've jumped back in with both feet first!
So I'm back today with a page that I created for a new blog called The Paper Girls Challenge Blog. (www.thepapergirlschallenge.blogspot.com)
This was the blogs second week posting challenges and I'm loving them already! I miss the first challenge, but I was good and ready for this one!! The challenge this week was to create a page with a photo strip! So here is what I created:

This page is titled "welcome". It is a page that I created for a book I'm now working on. My friend Ashley has graciously asked me to create an entire scrapbook of her daughter's first year of life. She wants to display the book at Avery's first birthday. I am SO honored that Ashley thought of me, and honestly, I've cried a few times over the idea that someone thinks so highly of my pages that they would trust me with such a big task as creating this very special book. I plan to treat these pages very special and make sure they are some of my best! So far I've loved EVERYTHING that I've done for this book! They are some of my favorite pages and this page is no exception!
So in conclusion, I'm so happy to be back blogging and scrapping! How I've missed it all!